Empire of Danland


The Empire of Danland is a micronation founded on 30 October 2013. Empire of Danland a member of Union Against Micronational War (UAMW). The capital city is Danburg. The Danland Empire became the continuator of the Kingdom of Danland in 2022 and Nicholas III became Emperor of Danland.

We are an international project aimed at the prosperity of the world in Antarctica.
About DANLAND image
  • FLAG

  • Coat of Arms

  • Imperial Standard

ConstituTion image

1. The foundations of the state.
1.1. The Empire of Danland is a micronation with a form of government - a Constitutional monarchy.
1.2. The head of State is the Emperor of the Empire of Danland, but his role in governance is limited to the Parliament and the government of the Empire of Danland.
1.3. The Government of Empire of Danland is the main executive body of the Empire, headed by the Prime Minister, the head of the executive branch of government.
1.4. The Empire of Danland has a bicameral parliament consisting of 100 congressional seats and 50 Senate seats. Parliamentarians are elected in direct and open elections. Parliament is the legislative body of the Empire of Danland.

2. Territories and international relations.
2.1. The Empire of Danland claims territory in Antarctica.
2.2. The Empire of Danland recognizes all Member countries of the United Nations.

3. Rights and freedoms.
3.1. All representatives of the Empire are guaranteed human rights and freedom such as freedom of speech, religion.

4. Citizenship.
4.1. The Empire of Danland does not grant citizenship and does not have the institution of citizenship.

5. Symbols of the state.
5.1. The symbol of the State is the Flag of the Empire of Danland and the coat of arms of the Empire of Danland.

6. Continuity.
6.1. The Empire of Danland is a continuation of the Kingdom of Danland project, but is not its successor. The Empire of Danland is a new micronation.
6.2. Previous agreements and relations between the Kingdom of Danland and other parties are not subject to execution by the Empire of Danland.

7. Laws.
7.1. Since the Empire of Danland is a micronation and has no real jurisdiction, all representatives must comply with the laws of the real states in which they are located (for example, the laws of the USA, France, Russia, etc.)

Adopted on 1 August 2022
  • Antarctica
  • Danburg